USHERING DEPARTMENT: "Welcoming and Smiling!"

The Ushering Department is a service department in the Church and it is primarily responsible for ensuring that an atmosphere of reverence and order is maintained before, during and after the service. The department ensures that everything is done decently and everyone has a good worship experience.

The Ushering department of RCCG Christ Villa is a ministry of service and the vision is based on service to others as found in Colossians 3:23-24 -"Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.".

The mood and appearance of the ushers always must be one of cheerfulness and gladness as the ushers are the initial point of call for members and visitors coming to the church for the first time. We are like the “customer service representatives” of the church.

The Ushering Department has core values which every usher should demonstrate. Every usher should be:

  • Spiritual: We take our spiritual lives, especially prayers and studying of the word very seriously. We understand that the physical is controlled by the spiritual. John 6:63- “It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing”.
  • Polite and Cheerful:As a team that will be interacting with people from different backgrounds especially at the point of entrance, the ushers are expected to always maintain a polite and cheerful appearance with high sense of humility while receiving and dealing with all worshippers.
  • Organized:As a department that is to maintain order in the church, every usher is expected to be organized and orderly in their individual lives.
  • Submissive: We are to submit to each other and the church leadership, out of respect for each other, as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.Eph. 5:21- “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God”.
  • Excellence: Our ushers are committed to efficiency and excellence, always looking for ways to improve because our God is a God of Excellence.
  • Patience:Our Ushers are committed to exhibiting patience always, having in mind that a lot of people come with different burdens. We try not to add to their burdens but to alleviate them.
  • Punctuality:It is required that ushers must arrive the church at least 15 minutes before the start of any church service and anyone resuming lesser time will be considered a late comer.
  • Uniformity/Dress Code:Ushers are expected to always dress in uniformity during church services.
  • Initiative: Ushers are expected to handle duties and responsibilities without having to wait on instructions. We are expected to take ownership and be proactive.

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